Some Extracts From Dylan`s Exclusive Interview For Streetpapers:
BILL FLANAGAN: Is recording a Christmas album something you’ve had on your mind for a while?BOB DYLAN: Yeah, every so often it has crossed my mind. The idea was first brought to me by Walter Yetnikoff, back when he was President of Columbia Records. B.F: Did you take him seriously?B.D.: Well, sure I took him seriously.B.F: But it didn’t happen. How come?B.D.: He wasn’t specific. Besides, there was always a glut of records out around that time of year and I didn’t see how one by me could make any difference.B.F: What was Christmas like around your town when you were growing up? B.D.: Well, you know, plenty of snow, jingle bells, Christmas carolers going from house to house, sleighs in the streets, town bells ringing, nativity plays. That sort of thing.B.F.: Your family was Jewish – as a kid did you ever feel left out of the Christmas excitement? B.D.: No, not at all. B.F.: What’s your idea of a good Christmas Dinner?B.D.: Mashed potatoes and gravy, roast turkey and collard greens, turnip greens, biscuit dressing, corn bread and cranberry sauce. B.F.: Why did you pick Feeding America, Crisis UK and The World Food Programme to give the proceeds of this record to? B.D.: Because they get food straight to the people. No military organization, no bureaucracy, no governments to deal with.B.F.: Do you still send out Christmas cards?B.D.: I haven’t for a while.B.F.: Do you have a favorite Christmas album?B.D.: Maybe the Louvin Brothers. I like all the religious Christmas albums. The ones in Latin. The songs I sang as a kid. B.F.: A lot of people like the secular ones.B.D.: Religion isn’t meant for everybody.B.F.: What sort of gifts do you like to give?B.D.: I try to match the person with the gift.B.F.: Are you a last minute shopper?B.D.: Always.B.F.: Do you drop any hints about what you hope to get from your family?B.D.: Nope. Their well-being - that’s enough of a gift for me.B.F.: I know we’re out of time but I have to ask, what’s the best Christmas gift you ever got?B.D.: Let me think… oh yeah, I think it was a sled.