Samstag, 12. Dezember 2009
Freitag, 27. November 2009

Some Extracts From Dylan`s Exclusive Interview For Streetpapers:
BILL FLANAGAN: Is recording a Christmas album something you’ve had on your mind for a while?BOB DYLAN: Yeah, every so often it has crossed my mind. The idea was first brought to me by Walter Yetnikoff, back when he was President of Columbia Records. B.F: Did you take him seriously?B.D.: Well, sure I took him seriously.B.F: But it didn’t happen. How come?B.D.: He wasn’t specific. Besides, there was always a glut of records out around that time of year and I didn’t see how one by me could make any difference.B.F: What was Christmas like around your town when you were growing up? B.D.: Well, you know, plenty of snow, jingle bells, Christmas carolers going from house to house, sleighs in the streets, town bells ringing, nativity plays. That sort of thing.B.F.: Your family was Jewish – as a kid did you ever feel left out of the Christmas excitement? B.D.: No, not at all. B.F.: What’s your idea of a good Christmas Dinner?B.D.: Mashed potatoes and gravy, roast turkey and collard greens, turnip greens, biscuit dressing, corn bread and cranberry sauce. B.F.: Why did you pick Feeding America, Crisis UK and The World Food Programme to give the proceeds of this record to? B.D.: Because they get food straight to the people. No military organization, no bureaucracy, no governments to deal with.B.F.: Do you still send out Christmas cards?B.D.: I haven’t for a while.B.F.: Do you have a favorite Christmas album?B.D.: Maybe the Louvin Brothers. I like all the religious Christmas albums. The ones in Latin. The songs I sang as a kid. B.F.: A lot of people like the secular ones.B.D.: Religion isn’t meant for everybody.B.F.: What sort of gifts do you like to give?B.D.: I try to match the person with the gift.B.F.: Are you a last minute shopper?B.D.: Always.B.F.: Do you drop any hints about what you hope to get from your family?B.D.: Nope. Their well-being - that’s enough of a gift for me.B.F.: I know we’re out of time but I have to ask, what’s the best Christmas gift you ever got?B.D.: Let me think… oh yeah, I think it was a sled.
Freitag, 20. November 2009
Some more news
In the biography section you can listen to a podcast hosted by Patti Smith.
In the podcast section you will find the two Tom Waits covers from the last tour very soon.
In the podcast section you will find the two Tom Waits covers from the last tour very soon.
Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2009
Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2009
Christmas In The Heart - Nobel Prize
So once again no Nobel Prize for Bob. Though he stands in one of the most ancient traditions of literature - that of the bard or minstrel who goes from town to town to tell the news in rhymes, as Allen Ginsberg put it. Guess we`ll have to wait some more years.
The Christmas album is out. I was rather sceptical about this project but after listening to it several times I must admit I like it. Bob seems to be having fun and sounds relaxed on most of the songs. And, above all, it`s a charity project so what can we complain about?
The Christmas album is out. I was rather sceptical about this project but after listening to it several times I must admit I like it. Bob seems to be having fun and sounds relaxed on most of the songs. And, above all, it`s a charity project so what can we complain about?
Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009
To His Coy Mistress
Don`t want to focus too much on literary themes, but with the nobel prize for literature approaching and everybody talking about bob in this connection, one more poem came to my mind that I have always loved: Andrew Marvell and his coy mistress.
Freitag, 25. September 2009
The Boss Turns 60
Bruce Springsteen turned 60 last Wednesday. Still like him a lot and try to see his concerts as often as possible. When I was about 20 I came across the Darkness On The Edge Of Town - Album and played it for months. Even today I listen to it from time to time. I Didn`t Like The River or Born In The USA that much but Nebraska and above all more than 20 years later Devils And Dust.
Happy Birthday to you, Bruce, and for the rest of us two videos, Forever Young played by Bob and Bruce, and Bruce inducting Bob into the Rock`n`Roll Hall Of Fame in 1988.
Happy Birthday to you, Bruce, and for the rest of us two videos, Forever Young played by Bob and Bruce, and Bruce inducting Bob into the Rock`n`Roll Hall Of Fame in 1988.
Sonntag, 6. September 2009
Freitag, 4. September 2009
new dylan site
there is a new dylan site offering news and offers about bob:
feel free to comment on it.
feel free to comment on it.
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